Don't underestimate the power of your toner!
Store it in the fridge & use it in the morning to wake up your complexion without strippingit of the essential oils and nutrients it has produced in your beauty sleep!
Use this as your morning routine no matter what kind of skin you have to give your complexion a break from all the scrubbing & treating....
It may seem like it's not enough but over-cleansing your skin may due more damage than you think! This is the perfect product to give your skin some TLC in the form of a break :)
Store it in the fridge & use it in the morning to wake up your complexion without strippingit of the essential oils and nutrients it has produced in your beauty sleep!
Use this as your morning routine no matter what kind of skin you have to give your complexion a break from all the scrubbing & treating....
It may seem like it's not enough but over-cleansing your skin may due more damage than you think! This is the perfect product to give your skin some TLC in the form of a break :)
And tho the warm weather may seem forever away putting your toner in a spray bottle and storing it in the fridge could be the perfect cooling off/refresher your face is begging for!
My go to toner is (& has been for years) Thayers Rose Petal Witch Hazel. This is an alchol-free toner with Vitamin E & Aloe Vera. It will cost you between $7-$10. It's gentle, moisturizing, refreshing & it smells heavenly. This is a natural scent that is not overwhelming BUT If you aren't a fan of the smell of roses Thayer does offer this product in cucumber, lemon, peach or unscented fragrances.... of course all are natural so you cannot go wrong!
If you live abroad this is available on &
A Tip From Me To You! Pass It On!
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Love, Kisses & GodspeedAly